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<em id="cDinG8Pc"></em> 2024-12-14 01:04:00

2. Let's look at the market data again. The number of households in the two cities has increased by more than 1,100, and the number of households has decreased by more than 3,800. From the data point of view, today is a general decline, which really makes many people feel uncomfortable, but if you look at the quantity, you will find that today's quantity can only shrink by more than 10 billion. What does it mean? The quantity has not shrunk dramatically, but the index has plummeted. This is the main cover-up, throwing everyone out of the car and picking up cheap chips. Therefore, everyone is firmly optimistic about the slow cattle. Any deliberate suppression is a low-sucking opportunity.A shares: Get ready, don't be fooled by the main plot, the market will only go like this in the afternoon!

2. Let's look at the market data again. The number of households in the two cities has increased by more than 1,100, and the number of households has decreased by more than 3,800. From the data point of view, today is a general decline, which really makes many people feel uncomfortable, but if you look at the quantity, you will find that today's quantity can only shrink by more than 10 billion. What does it mean? The quantity has not shrunk dramatically, but the index has plummeted. This is the main cover-up, throwing everyone out of the car and picking up cheap chips. Therefore, everyone is firmly optimistic about the slow cattle. Any deliberate suppression is a low-sucking opportunity.2. Let's look at the market data again. The number of households in the two cities has increased by more than 1,100, and the number of households has decreased by more than 3,800. From the data point of view, today is a general decline, which really makes many people feel uncomfortable, but if you look at the quantity, you will find that today's quantity can only shrink by more than 10 billion. What does it mean? The quantity has not shrunk dramatically, but the index has plummeted. This is the main cover-up, throwing everyone out of the car and picking up cheap chips. Therefore, everyone is firmly optimistic about the slow cattle. Any deliberate suppression is a low-sucking opportunity.1. Let's cut to the chase. Today, the market opened more than 50 points lower, which frightened many retail friends, especially panicked, and all kinds of pessimism began to spread again. Once again, Gu Xia stood up at this node where everyone was pessimistic and told everyone, don't be afraid. This kind of plunge is not only an opportunity to reverse the car, but also an opportunity to pick up people. Today's plunge is a conspiracy of the main force. Don't be fooled, rest assured, adjust to low suction, don't go up?

3. In terms of track plate, there are three hot spots on the disk at present, namely consumption, robot and AI. All three of them are rotating performances, but many of them are broken by quantification. If you don't grasp the rhythm well, it's easy to be beaten left and right. Yesterday, the robot diverged, but today, but again, the same girl may have the right hand button, which is the reason why it is difficult to play. The consumption plate is not recognized.4. To sum up, the market is shrinking today, and the Guo Jia team hasn't come out to support the market today. But don't worry, today's decline is just a task. Sit tight and help us, waiting to give us sedan chair, and continue to watch the market bottom up in the afternoon.2. Let's look at the market data again. The number of households in the two cities has increased by more than 1,100, and the number of households has decreased by more than 3,800. From the data point of view, today is a general decline, which really makes many people feel uncomfortable, but if you look at the quantity, you will find that today's quantity can only shrink by more than 10 billion. What does it mean? The quantity has not shrunk dramatically, but the index has plummeted. This is the main cover-up, throwing everyone out of the car and picking up cheap chips. Therefore, everyone is firmly optimistic about the slow cattle. Any deliberate suppression is a low-sucking opportunity.

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